Real Stories

I am very priveleged to be able to work and play with children and their families, to hear their stories, share their tears, and enjoy their triumphs.  Without a doubt the families I work with are the ones putting in the effort and doing the hard yards to find solutions for their children.  I am just one piece of the puzzle.  These are their stories about their journey with their child!

Caleb's* Story

Caleb was in grade 2 and was constantly moving - he couldn't sit still and complete tasks in class.  Developing an understanding of Caleb's needs was a breakthrough in itself. Read more...

Angela's* Story

Angela is a mother of a child with autism. She explored all sorts of natural health strategies to help her son with day to day life. Read more...

Jack's Story

Jack is a great kid, but when he first came for OT services he was struggling with lots of issues, and day-to-day life was pretty tough going.  Jack's story starts off with OT input, but eventually Jack's mother uses GAPS as well to bring amazing breakthroughs over a 4 month period.  Read more...

Jessica's* Story

Jessica is a 9 year old girl who was so overwhelmed by debilitating anxiety that she couldn't enjoy regular childhood activities.. She has used a combination of GAPS and OT strategies to be completely rid of the anxiety beast and is now enjoying a life of freedom.  Read more...

Guinea Pigs in the Classroom

I've had the pleasure of visiting an amazing classroom this year, where 5 or 6 children usually have guinea pigs on their laps while doing school work.  Sound crazy?  I thought so... but come with me on a little journey as I talk to an inspiring teacher who has opened my eyes to guinea pig therapy. Read more...

Guinea Pig Therapy

Story coming soon...

* Names have been changed to protect identity.