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Will a salt water sole help those health challenges you are having?

I really love problem solving health issues... but I especially love it when the solution is cheap, easy and often something we have in our kitchen already...
I've already told you about solutions like oil pulling... A salt water "sole" is right up there for me in terms of the benefits it brings.  It could just be the missing link in yo…

Down to earth with sensory processing...

A lot of people when considering sensory processing needs recommend an array of strategies... everything from chewing gum to flashy coloured lights and screen time. In amongst that though when we experience sensory input that is akin to nature and back t…
This year I've had the pleasure of visiting a local Montessori daycare on a regular basis.  And as far as daycares go it is quite different.  Toys are often wooden, are realistic …

Headlice and Autism

Headlice are enough to make any parent shudder… but when a child has autism they may be distressed with hair brushing or fearful about the creatures and it turns it all into a nightmare for them and you. This all got me thinking about the best strategies…
Headlice are enough to make any parent shudder… When a child has autism they may be distressed with hair brushing or fearful about the creatures and it turns it all into a nightmar…