The Whole Child grows up a little

Nov 18, 2016

5 years ago The Whole Child was born... and this past week has been a bit of a milestone.  My home-based business has grown from a little office in the corner of the kitchen (after all that's where I live!).  Eventually, when there were soup spills on files and files spilling into the soup my office was moved to the lounge room.  And an online shop was added... so cupboards, nooks and crannies have been overflowing with your favourite products ever since.  Earlier this year I started running some therapy sessions from a home based clinic (and have recently added a sensory garden, a balance rock walk, a hammock and some swings... but that's another story for another day!)


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All year I've been yearning to have my online shop set up as a "little shop" where people could touch, feel, smell, chat and stop for a moment.  I love connecting with the people who come into contact with my business.  And an idea evolved in our family that there was actually space for The Whole Child to have an office and a clinic within our home... and would you believe there is actually enough space for me to squeeze in a shelf with my products! 

So a little dream has come true for me - I have a tiny little real life shop - and I love it!  (Yes - I really am a kid at heart and I think I just love playing shops!!!)

I love it so much that I stocked the shelves full of my favourite down-to-earth, handmade, wooden, crotcheted, sensory fun toys.  As well as my favourite books, and the healthy food supplements that I truly believe in.  If you keep an eye on the shop I'll be adding things to the pages day by day... but in the meantime if you live locally (I'm on the Atherton Tablelands) feel free to pop in and have a look (always good to send a quick email or call first if you can just in case I have clients booked).

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I'm so looking forward to being able to share this new space with people, and hoping you'll love my little collections as much as I do.  This will give you a little sneak peak of what to look out for on the website, or what you might find when you pop in.  And yes, that is an eftpos/hicaps machine you see there to make all of your payments/claims that little bit easier.

Hoping to see you soon!

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The information, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. This website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical, healthcare or educational advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider for any questions you may have regarding you or your child’s health concerns, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

Category: Toolkit

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